Nurture your instrument and advance your career -
There are several health considerations that are of particular value to the career of a professional voice user. These include:
digestive issues
energy levels
sleep quality
If you are experiencing difficulty in any of these areas I can help you get past a health related struggle that may be negatively impacting your career.
I am resident nutritionist at the Voice Care Centre (London) where I work with a multidisciplinary team of health care professionals enabling artists to get the most out of their voices and fulfil their professional dreams.
Exercise program for professional voice users
Many professional voice users are confused or concerned about the impact certain exercise modalities may have on their voice.
My colleague Claudia Hodgson-Rodriguez (professional fitness model and trainer) and I have created an easy to follow exercise program that specially considers the unique needs of professional voice users.
You can follow this program safely in the knowledge that you will be optimising your fitness and health while having no negative impact whatsoever on your vocal health.